Privacy Policy

Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy


The joint-stock company with the name “ELALDA MONOPROSSOPI ANONYMI TEIREIA” and the distinctive title “ELALDA”, which is based in the Municipality of Palaio Faliro Attica, Dimitras Street, no. 14-16, TK 17562, with A.F.M. 802078962, D.O.Y. FAE Piraeus (GEM no.: 169509201000), tel. 211 7504742, email: (hereinafter the “Company”, “We”), as data controller, respects the privacy and rights of Customers of which stem from Law 4624/2019 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council for the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data and for the free circulation of such data (hereinafter the ” Law’ or the ‘Regulation’)

To whom does the information provided through this Policy apply?


The Company hereby wishes to bring to your attention the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy that it applies, when collecting, using, storing and generally processing your personal data, when you visit, register or use the website of the parenting Company. gr (hereinafter, the “Website”) in any way, as well as to inform you about the nature of the personal data that the Company may process, as well as about your rights under the Law and the Regulation.

What constitutes processing of personal data?


“Personal Data” is defined as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). Identifiable is the natural person whose identity can be ascertained, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identity number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors that characterize the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person in question.

“Personal data processing” is defined as any individual act or series of acts carried out, with or without the use of automated means, on personal data, which are included in an organized filing system. The concept of processing includes the collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, information retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or the combination, limitation, deletion and destruction.

The Company may collect, store and use in the above ways personal data of its Customers, including those who carry out a transaction with the Company, either without having registered and created an account, or having registered and created an account, as well as those who visit the Online Store without making any transaction.

What kind of personal data do we process?


Our Company collects and processes the absolutely necessary data of its Customers, for the fulfillment of its purpose and the effective provision of its services.

For example, we collect and process the following categories of personal data:

a. Identification Data, i.e. name, surname, electronic address (email), username and password on the Website, in case you create a user account.

b. Contact data, i.e. telephone (landline or mobile), electronic address (email).

c. Any ratings and/or reviews submitted.

d. Data entered in relevant forms and/or in free fields of the Website, such as through a special form for your communication with the Company to submit questions or complaints.

e. Information from your transactions with the Company, such as the bank account number or the IBAN number with which you make a bank deposit to pay for our services.

f. Customer History, if you have created a user account, including your sessions and preferences in general.

g. Technical information regarding your connection to the Website, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the type of browser you use, your operating system, the speed of your connection, basic connection information with the server.

h. Data related to your behavior when browsing the internet and which are collected using cookie technology, such as your preferences, your response to Company promotions, your search history, links from which you have been redirected to the Website. The data of this category is collected if you have chosen to give your explicit consent in the special fields, which are posted on our website and are intended for this purpose.

i. Data you provide us when you register for the Company’s newsletter.

j. Any other information about you that you provide to us.

Your personal data may be kept in written or electronic form.


Special provisions


a. We undertake not to collect and process personal data of minors, who are prohibited from communicating their personal data to us, without the prior consent of their guardian. For this purpose, we ensure that these persons do not disclose their data to us and we expressly clarify that the Company’s website is addressed to persons 18 years of age or older. In any case, if the disclosure of minors’ data comes to our attention, we immediately delete them.

b. We undertake not to process sensitive personal data.

c. In the event that you choose to pay for your order by credit or debit card, you are automatically directed to a secure website of the collaborating bank ALPHA BANK to enter your credit or debit card details, and transactions are completed in the Bank’s secure online environment.Your data is collected directly by the Bank without the intervention of the Company, which never gains access to it. The charge to the credit or debit card is carried out after the Bank has previously checked and certified the data and its validity. You are solely responsible for the correct entry, truth and validity of the credit or debit card information you use. In case of incorrect registration of the data or their untruth, the Company bears no responsibility. For any dispute or question regarding charges on your credit or debit card, you should contact the Bank that issued the card directly.

d. In case you choose to pay through the Apple pay payment service, you are automatically taken to the relevant Apple pay application, without the need to fill in any form or fill in your card details. In this way, the number of cards linked to the Apple pay service is never shared with the Company. By using Apple Pay as a payment method, you consent to Apple’s use of your information. For any dispute, question or information regarding the use of the above payment service, please refer to Apple’s Privacy Policy at .

e. In case you choose to pay through the Google pay payment service, you are automatically taken to the relevant Google pay application, without the need to fill in any form or fill in your card details. In this way, the number of cards connected to the Google pay service is never shared with the Company. By using Google Pay as a payment method, you consent to the use of your information by Google. For any dispute, question or information regarding the use of the above payment service, please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy at ldo=0&ldt=googlepaytos&ldl=und

How are personal data collected?


Personal data may be obtained directly from you with your consent or during the term of any contracts between you and the Company. The Company may also obtain and process personal data from publicly available sources (indicatively, from the internet, from electronic databases), which are legally secured and for which processing is permitted.

Personal data is collected in accordance with the law every time you communicate with the Company in any way, such as indicatively by phone, e-mail or a special online platform, do business with it, complete applications/orders, receive Company services, visit its website Company, you subscribe to the Company’s newsletter to receive informative material and share any information that concerns you with the Company.

For what purposes do we process your data?


The processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of the Company’s obligations, when you use the services of the Website, especially those provided after your registration on the website, as well as for the Company’s compliance with its legal obligations. More specifically, we process your data:

a. To register and create your account on the website and send new login codes to your personal account.

b. For the provision of our services to you and the general performance of your contract with the Company.

c. To facilitate your correct communication with the Company in all the ways offered, the submission of questions or complaints, the management of your requests and their satisfaction by the Company.

d. To review, improve and adapt to your preferences and choices, when providing our services to you.

e. For sending newsletters, informing you about promotions and/or commercial or other information for the provision of our services, provided you have expressly given your consent or have entered into a commercial transaction with the Company.

f. To protect and safeguard the legal interests of the Company, including the preservation of your personal data, in the event that legal claims are raised or legal proceedings are initiated.

g. For purposes of internal management, fraud prevention, use by management, invoicing, accounting, billing and control information systems.

h. For the Company’s compliance with the obligations imposed by the current legal framework and the relevant decisions of authorities or courts.

i. To conduct research by completing a form/questionnaire.

Please note that you are under no obligation to provide the Company with your personal data or consent to its collection. However, in the event that you do not wish to provide the Company with your consent to process your personal data, we will not be able to implement our transactional relationship and provide you with our services.

Legal bases for personal data processing


The Company uses the personal data:

a. when the Customer as a data subject has consented to the processing of his personal data, or

b. when the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract between the Customer and the Company, or

c. for its compliance with its legal obligation, or

d. for the fulfillment of a duty of the Company, performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority or

e. for the purpose of safeguarding the legal interests of the Company.

Personal data retention period


Your personal data is kept for the time absolutely necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned processing purposes, unless it is required to keep it for a longer period than the applicable legislation or in the context of adjudicating any dispute, judicial or extrajudicial, between the Company and the Customer or for the exercise of claims or the defense of rights and legal interests of the Company. After the aforementioned periods, your personal data will be destroyed.

Protection of Privacy Data


The Company has established the appropriate procedures and policies that comply with the Regulation, and takes appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order for the personal data it processes to receive the necessary protection, specifically to prevent loss, unintentional destruction, differentiation, unintended use or disclosure and access by inappropriate persons.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties


In the performance of its contractual and statutory obligations, the Company may be obliged to share your personal data or part of it with competent employees and members of the Company’s management in the context of their duties, as well as with third parties performing the processing on behalf of the Company (hereinafter, the “Recipients”), such as third-party service providers to the Company upon outsourcing, public authorities (national or foreign), government agencies, banks, legal advisors, auditors, affiliated companies and other trusted professional partners. In compliance with the relevant legislative provisions, the Company informs the subjects of the data in the event that all or part of them will be shared with third parties. All the Company’s partners who will receive or have access to personal data strictly observe the terms of the Regulation.

In the above context, the Company uses the services of the Typeform platform, which is provided by the foreign company with the name “TYPEFORM, S.L.”, based in Barcelona, ​​Spain (address: C/ Can Rabia 3-5, 4th floor, 08017 – Barcelona Spain), with Spanish tax registration number B65831836 (hereinafter “Typeform”). Through the above service, we may ask you to participate in a survey of the Company, by completing a questionnaire. By completing and submitting the questionnaire, the information you entered is automatically stored in Typeform, as well as information related to your connection, such as the IP address, date and time of completion. Completing the above questionnaire is optional and only takes place upon your consent, which constitutes the legal basis for processing by the Company in this case.By completing the questionnaire, you consent to the use of the above data by Typeform. For any dispute, question or information regarding the use of the above service, please refer to Typeform’s Privacy Policy at>Terms and Conditions>Data Processing Agreement.

In the event that the recipients live, are based or operate in a country outside the European Economic Area, in which the Regulation and Greek law do not find scope, the Company undertakes to take all necessary measures to provide an adequate level of data protection, pursuant to relevant adequacy decision or by entering into any required cross-border or transatlantic data transfer agreements, based on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and in full compliance with the applicable legal framework, relevant bilateral agreements and guidelines of the European Union institutions.

Sending newsletters


The newsletter is sent to you for marketing purposes via a bulk email platform. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter service by selecting the unsubscribe hyperlink in every email you receive from us.

Use of Cookies


The Website uses cookie technology to improve and facilitate the Customer’s visit. Cookies are small text files, which are stored by the browser (e.g. Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari) on the Customer’s computer or mobile phone, while browsing the website and the Internet in general.Cookies make web browsing faster and easier, as the website stores the visitor’s preferences without having to register them each time. Cookies do not collect information individually, nor do they contain or reveal personal information of the website visitor. Upon entering the website, the Customer is asked to accept or reject the use of cookies while browsing it.

You have the possibility to prevent your browser from accepting cookies from the website. All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings at any time. However, by disabling cookies, you may not be able to use all of our website’s services and may see more pop-ups or other types of advertisements. This is because we will not be able to limit what you see by using cookies. In any case, you will still have access to our editorial content. For more information, please see our website’s Cookies Policy.


What are your rights as data owners?


In relation to the personal data we process, you have the following rights:

(a) Right to information and transparency: your right to know who is processing the data, what it is, for what purpose, the time period of data processing and retention or the criteria that determine it, as well as information on the origin of the data, when it is collected from a third party.

(b) Right of access: your right to access your personal data when it is being processed.

(c) Right to correct inaccurate or complete incomplete data.

(d) Right to restrict the processing of personal data.

(e) Right to delete (“right to be forgotten”) your personal data, when they are no longer necessary for the Company or in compliance with applicable legislation, as long as there are no compelling and legitimate reasons for processing. The retention of data for scientific research purposes or for statistical purposes is excluded, respecting the principle of minimization, provided that appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken by the Company.

(f) Right to object and withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, as long as your rights outweigh the legitimate interests of the Company, on which we rely when processing the data. You can exercise this right either by sending us a relevant request in the ways mentioned herein, or by choosing to delete your account on the Website or to unsubscribe from the newsletter sending service, by selecting the relevant deletion hyperlink from the service in question, the which will be listed at the end of every email you receive from us. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to its withdrawal.

(g) Right to data portability: your right to request that your data be transferred to another controller.

(h) right to non-automated decision-making, including automated profiling.

In case you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you can send a relevant request in writing by post to the address Dimitras 14-16, Paleo Faliro, Postal Code 17562 or to the email address

The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, at its sole discretion. Any change, modification or addition becomes immediately effective upon its notification, which is done by any appropriate means, in particular by a relevant announcement on the home page of the Website. Any continued use of the Website by the Visitor after such notice of modification constitutes unconditional acceptance of such changes and use of the Website under the new terms and conditions. To this end, please periodically check this Policy so that you are informed of its content.