12 December 2023
Preventive maintenance: The way to develop a relationship with our child
Reading time: 2,5′
It’s important to regularly maintain the things that are valuable to us. But how does this apply to parenting? Well, just like how we maintain our cars or other possessions, we must also take preventive measures to nurture and maintain strong connections with our children.
In today’s world, there are countless distractions and busy schedules that can make it easy to overlook the importance of quality time and emotional connection with our kids. By implementing preventive maintenance strategies, we can proactively enhance our bond with them and foster a deeper connection. Here are some key techniques for preventive maintenance:
1.Empathy: Empathy is the foundation of any genuine relationship, especially the one we have with our children. It is essential to take the time to understand and validate their emotions, which creates the groundwork for open communication and mutual respect. When our child is upset or struggling with something, we should not dismiss or undermine their feelings. Instead, we can empathize with them by acknowledging their emotions and offering support. For instance, if our child is feeling anxious about starting a new school, we can empathize by saying, “I know that starting a new school can be scary. It is okay to feel nervous, and I am here to support you.”
2. Roughhousing: Engaging in physical activities like wrestling or pillow fights with our children may seem counterintuitive, but it can strengthen our bond. Roughhousing fosters a sense of closeness and trust between parents and children, and it provides an opportunity for laughter and joy. Through roughhousing, we show our children that we enjoy spending time with them and value their presence. It also teaches them important lessons about boundaries, consent, and physical coordination.
3.Special Time: Spending one-on-one time with each child is essential for building connections and making them feel valued. Weekly outings or monthly movie nights at home allow us to focus solely on them, strengthening our bond through shared experiences and meaningful conversations. Prioritizing special-time communicates that they are important and treasured.
4.Routines: Having daily routines is important for our children because it provides them with stability and predictability. This helps to create a sense of security and trust in our relationship with them. Starting the day with a morning routine like having breakfast together, and ending it with a bedtime routine like reading a story before tucking them in, offers opportunities for connection and quality time amidst our busy lives. By incorporating moments of connection into our daily routines, we can strengthen our bond with our children and create lasting memories.
5.Welcoming Emotions: Emotions are an innate and vital aspect of human nature, yet they are sometimes ignored or disregarded, particularly in children. By establishing a secure and accepting setting where all emotions are received and acknowledged, we educate our children that it is acceptable to feel and express themselves genuinely. Rather than dismissing their emotions or attempting to solve them, we can listen actively, empathize, and provide support.
To sum up, it is crucial to perform preventive maintenance for building and fostering our relationship with our kids. We can achieve this by showing empathy, involving in roughhousing, setting aside quality time, establishing regular routines, and accepting emotions. By doing so, we can take proactive steps to strengthen our connection with our children, forming a base of affection, confidence, and comprehension that will endure for a lifetime.