I am a licensed Psychologist with a Master’s Degree (MA) in Child Psychology in Education, with a specialization in special education and learning disabilities. I have attended and been certified in various seminars on childhood and autism, bereavement, psychopathology from infancy to adolescence, neuropsychology as well as educational/school psychology.
After working many years in this field, I discovered that what is missing from parental guidance and what makes this role difficult is the practical application of theories in everyday life with children.
Positive parenting was introduced in my life experientially. After seeing the results it can bring to the dynamics of the family in the short term and in the long term, I decided to pursue further training and help as many parents as I can with their everyday life and their relationship with their children.
As parents we need support in our work for our personal well-being and the upbringing of our children. By having the right tools and applying them in the correct manner, I am confident that we will succeed in our goal of raising competent future parents.