12 December 2023
What do I do when the bad words come?
Reading time: 2,5′
Did you hear the first “spicy word” from your children today?
It is a fact that the first time is an awkward moment that catches us all off guard. But whatever age your children are, you should first understand children and deal with it.
Reflect on times when you have spoken badly of yourself. You felt emotionally stressed and wanted to vent. To somehow get this burden off your backs. Maybe in the end you were relieved. But you set a bad example.
Children at these ages have a “sponge” mind and absorb everything they hear and see from their environment and imitate it with great ease. Whether they heard some of these words at school, at home, on television, or on the street, their little brains kept and stored them. Even if he didn’t understand their meaning.
As far as toddlers are concerned, it is very rare that they use any other bad word, other than the one that has to do with their “badness” and the goal is to make those around them laugh. This interaction excites them. When you notice this happening, you should be very careful about your reaction.Don’t laugh or encourage them. This is important to be done by both parents, so that the children receive the same – common message. Calmly explain why what they are saying is not cool, and if they persist, let them know they should go to their room to use those expressions and then come with you.
What is certain is that, without an “audience”, they will get bored of creating the same problemToddlers look for opportunities to get your attention because they want you to be constantly engaged. Older children, on the other hand, are a more complicated matter. Elementary school children are more aware of what they feel and say. They can often understand what the bad words they use mean and perhaps their use hides some deeper reasons.Ask yourself, are they angry for some reason that you don’t know about? Are they having trouble at school? Do they want to get your attention to engage with them or are they just doing it to see your reactions or as we often say to gauge you?
Whatever the reason, you have to think carefully about your reaction because you are the adults. Explain to them that what they are saying may offend some people and make sure they understand exactly what they have said.If, nevertheless, this behavior is repeated then what you have to do is to ignore it. When they see that it does not cause you any reaction and you pass it at some point it will not be of interest to them and they will stop. But the important thing is that he doesn’t hear you cursing, because it will give them pressure to do it all the time.Try to narrow it down or find key words with your partner to express what you want
In general, whatever the age of the children, the important thing is to react calmly. Don’t attack by yelling and punishing children, but also don’t encourage it by laughing.Explain how certain expressions hurt other people and you, and when it happens, ignore it.
However, remember that children grow up and it is completely normal for them to go through this phase as well.